Study Plan - Curriculum medico-clinico

Il piano di studio si sviluppa su tre anni di corso e prevede corsi di insegnamento di diverso tipo, monodisciplinari o integrati, cioe' costituiti da due o piu' moduli di insegnamento, seguiti da verifica finale (esame) congiunta. Alcuni insegnamenti prevedono esercitazioni o altre attivita' tecnico-pratiche, individuali o di gruppo, in laboratorio. 

Il piano di studio permette di personalizzare il percorso di studio attraverso la selezione di uno dei cinque curricula disponibili e la scelta di esami opzionali.


Scegli il curriculum per visualizzare il piano completo degli esami curriculari    Medico-molecolare    Medico-clinico    Farmaceutico    Alimentare    Veterinario    
Anno Semestre Tipo Denomination?appellation Credit Modules
I Primo Fondamentali 9 1
6 1
5 1
Secondo 9 1
9 1
6 1
5 1
II Primo 10 2
9 1
11 2
Secondo 5 1
10 2
10 2
Curriculari 10 2
III Primo Fondamentali 12 2
6 1
Curriculari 10 2
Secondo Fondamentali 5 1
10 1
5 1
9 1
Altre attivita’ 15 1
4 1
- 6 1



Division into semesters

The course is organised into six semesters, beginning in October and February. The first three semesters provide students with an adequate knowledge of basic scientific principles, while the second part of the course, from the fourth to the sixth semester includes disciplines with a more practical connotation.

Within each semester, periods of lessons and those dedicated to verification exams are well separated, and follow the class periods, in order to increase the number of students in the classroom. Attendance is strongly recommended. In particular concerning classes that include laboratory activities, a frequency of attendance of at least 70% of the lessons is a prerequisite to be able to access the evaluation. For courses where the verification includes in progress examination, with tests carried out during the course, the prerequisite for access to the exam is to have taken part at least 70% of the tests.


Semester Coordinators


The coordination of each semester is assigned to a teacher who carries out teaching activities in the same semester and who deals with interactions between different activities.


IIprof. Alessandra Romanelli
IIIprof. Massimo Mallardo
IIIprof. Nicola Zambrano
IIIIprof. Massimo Zollo
IIIIprof. Domenico Grieco
IIIIIprof. Gabriella De Vita