Progression during the course

Access to the following year

The study plan is designed to enable students to acquire the specified credits progressively, using sessions in February/March and June/July for most examinations. The extraordinary session of September allows to complete the acquisition of the credits in time for the beginning of the following year.

The need to follow the proposed time schedule is also reported by the requirements for admission to the following years that, while leaving ample space for recovery, however, prevent the entrance to the second and third year in absence of significant progress in the learning process. Registration for the next year is subject to the achievement of a minimum level of earned credits.

The diagram below describes, for each year of the course, the necessary requirements to access to the following year.





CFU provided in the study plan for the preceding year

Percentage  of CFU required for enrolment to the following year


Acquired CFU

Passed exams

I year





II year





III year




All first year exams



Enrolment "sub-conditione"

Students who have not yet reached the requirements for proceeding to the following year at the beginning of the academic year are still enrolled in the second or third year, but in a “sub-conditione" fashion. That is, they are enrolled and can attend courses the first semester as the other students, but are required to complete the necessary examinations to achieve the passing requirements by the end of the academic year (31 March). Students who on 31 March have not yet reached the necessary requirements, become repeaters of the first or second year, and will have to complete the exams that they have not passed yet to sign up to the next year in the next academic year.

The exam sessions of May and November are contemporary periods of classroom study, and therefore are accessible to supplementary years students, or repeating students. Students enrolled in "sub-conditione" are not repeaters and are engaged in the activities of the classroom, so they can not participate in the session of exams in November. However, from the next academic year it is possible to renounce the sub-conditione enrolment, making specific application to the Students’ Administrative Office, and become a repeater student already in October; in this case, it is obviously possible to entirely devote oneself to the recovery of backlog exams and take the examinations on the November session.

Students who, for various reasons, need to partake in educational activities over a longer span of time can use the contract mode, which provides a progression over four or five years, without the student becoming repeater.