Admission Test

The access requirements test is entrusted to a compulsory admission test to be held in September and before the start of training activities. Timing and modes of participation to the test for all programmed number courses are announced on the website in the page Programmed Number Courses.

Information regarding Biotechnologies for Health Course are in the Three Year - Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnologies section. 

The admission test is designed to test the knowledge required for access to the course by evaluation test for local programming access.

The minimum knowledge required for access to the Study’s Course:


  • notions of mathematics: the main properties of numerical sets, polynomials and factoring; rational and irrational equations and inequalities, equations systems; Cartesian coordinate systems; equation of a straight line; decimal and natural logarithms; elementary geometry; basic elements of trigonometry and the basics of analytic geometry;
  • notions of physics: elements of the mechanics fundamentals. Shape, mass and weight; action and reaction, elements of optics and electromagnetism fundamentals;
  • notions of chemistry: matter and states of aggregation, atomic structure, classification of the elements, measure units and IS, chemical compounds, elements of organic chemistry (major functional groups);
  • general knowledge on main biological molecules such as proteins, lipids, sugars and nucleic acids;
  • notions of biology: fundamental properties of living organisms, virus definition, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the structure of the eukaryotic cell, basic knowledge on metabolism and function of enzymes.
  • a basic knowledge of the English language regarding the ability to understand a written text and the knowledge of elementary notions on the use of the main widely distributed computer programs are also considered necessary.


The knowledge test could highlight deficiencies that can be compensated by means of specific additional educational commitments to be met in the first year.

The date of the test for Biotechnologies for Health will be Sept. 10 2018 and the deadline for submitting applications is fixed to 28.20.2018 at 12.00 A. M. The application can only be submitted online, on the University website, under the heading "Access Services to Study’s Courses".

The announcement can be obtained at the link below: 

    Bando (DR/2018/2749 del 10/07/2018)