
Internship activity (10 credits, 250 hours) is required for graduation. Students must submit a written request for internship, different from the Thesis request, by filling the the specific form (see below).

In order to better focus and administer the student's time,we strongly suggest to perform the internship activity in the same lab chosen for the Thesis work. In this case, internship tutor and Thesis advisor will be the same person.

The timing of internship activity and Thesis preparation may overlap. The hours and the activity performed for internship must be documented in the specific Register.

The internship may be performed in the structures of the University Federico II (intramoenia) or outside of the University (extramoenia) in research centers or companies in agreement with the University, after approval by the Thesis and Internship Committee. The form “Schema progetto formativo intramoenia (or extramoenia)” (see the Forms page of this site) must be submittedto to prof Melillo, chair of the Thesis and Internship Committee. The approved forms will be given to Ms. Angela Canzio (office at the 1st floor of the Biotechnology building). Once the internship is completed, students will fill the form "Libretto di Tirocinio Intramoenia (o Extramoenia)"(see the Forms page of this site). For further information, see the UNINA web site.